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Lesbian’s child custody battle with gay father

A lesbian mother and a gay man are fighting a bitter court battle over custody of their two children born by artificial insemination. The woman, who is in a civil partnership, had two children with...

Woods Tarik nafas LEGA: 'PORNSTAR' akui pita video seks palsu

DEVON JAMES NEW YORK - Bintang golf, Tiger Woods menarik nafas lega kerana nasibnya bakal berubah apabila seorang bintang porno, Devon James mengaku bahawa satu rakaman video seks yang menunjukkan...

Osama bin Laden and the Sahel

Aside from the polemics that surround all of Osama bin Laden's occasional pronouncements, namely whether he is still alive and their authenticity, their importance lies in the extent to which they...

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